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BOLU, Türkiye
We are organizing the right event for you. Bolu is one of the most enchanting areas of Turkey located approximately half-way between Istanbul and Ankara. Bolu is famous for its dense forests and modern hot spring facilities.And Lets visit the most wonderful city ,dont need to tell about İstanbul. You know it s largest city of Turkey. Istanbul connects Asia and Europe in which and you can see the mixing of lots of cultures .This miracle city has some historical places and of course you will visit these places such as Blue Mosque, Haqia Sophia, Topkapi Palace Grand Bazaar etc. Who doesnt want to see these beauties? İf you really want to see these. Apply to our summer event. we guarantee you will spend an incredible time in Bolu , İstanbul , İzmir. We are waiting all young europeans to our AEGEE-BOLU Summer Event.







Taxim--Istiklal street

Taxim--Istiklal street

Taksim// istiklal street

Taksim// istiklal street

Topkapı Palace entry

Topkapı Palace entry

Topkapı Palace

Topkapı Palace

Topkapı Palace

Topkapı Palace

Maiden's Tower//virgin tower

Maiden's Tower//virgin tower

maiden's tower

maiden's tower

maiden's tower

maiden's tower

dolmabahce palace

dolmabahce palace

dolmabahce palace

dolmabahce palace

Dolmabahce palace

Dolmabahce palace

Dolmabahce Palace

Dolmabahce Palace

grand bazaar ISTANBUL

grand bazaar ISTANBUL

Grand Bazaar

Grand Bazaar

Grand Bazaar

Grand Bazaar

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Blue Mosque

Blue Mosque

ortaköy ISTANBUL

ortaköy ISTANBUL

Ortakoy istanbul

Ortakoy istanbul

abant izzet baysal university

abant izzet baysal university







abant lake

abant lake

abant lake

abant lake

abant lake

abant lake

Gölcük Lake

Gölcük Lake

turkish bath

turkish bath

Turkish Bath

Turkish Bath